10 Questions Your Personal Prophecy Isn’t Afraid To Answer That You Are

There is always something in your life that’s trying to get the best of you…  I didn’t expect to notice your name in the middle of my prophecy list first today. However, that’s exactly what happened, and I know why… it’s because…

  • You are experiencing some of the most troubling relationships into your life…
  • You have so many questions you need to ask the prophet about this…
  • You feel like you’re getting lost in the depths of all the commotion… with no help at all. (You know this to be true)

I don’t know about everyone else on my prophecy list for today. However, I know that God has revealed your answers to the prophet because

You faithfully answer our prayers with awesome deeds, O God our savior. You are the hope of everyone on earth, even those who sail on distant seas…

(Psalm 65:5)

I felt like your personal life was sailing on distant seas, and the waters of turbulence were leading you to the island of disappointment.  there are 10 questions in your life that you have been afraid to answer yet, your personal prophecy is never afraid to answer today…

  1. What worries you most about the future?
  2. Are you holding on to something that you need to let go of?
  3. If you learn from your mistakes, why are you so afraid to make one?
  4. What impact do you want to leave on the world?
  5. Is it out of reach or have you failed to stretch out far enough?
  6. In the haste of your daily life, what are you failing to see?
  7. If you look into the heart of your enemy, how would it differ from yours?
  8. If you haven’t achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
  9. What is the one fear that you know is holding you back?
  10. Why do you even matter?

Can you be real with your true self since it’s just you and I today? Isn’t it true that some of these questions invoke fear, insecurity and uncertainty inside of you?   isn’t it time, you change the pattern? Isn’t it time you discover the answers to the questions that make your life most uncomfortable? Do you believe in II Chronicles 20:20? Then, connect with me right now because I wrote you this letter personally and God reveals the most personal secrets to me for your life… secrets that will…

  • Lift you out from the void of uncertainty.
  • Erase those fears that keep you from accessing your fullest potential.
  • Quiet that little voice inside your head that tells you that you aren’t good enough.

All you have to do is believe what the leading authority on transformation (God) has already said in II Chronicles 20:20 for you to do. Now as a point of instant prophetic contact between you and me today, I want you to write down “My power is in my doing”   and fill out the web form to receive your FREE email prophecy.

If you would like to submit a Prayer Request for yourself or someone else, just Click Here. You may submit as many and as often as you like.